Tips and thoughts

Sunday 11 April 2010

Groundnut/Peanut Chutney

I amaze myself at times when I want to try some recipes that I actually disliked in the past. One such item is groundnut/peanut chutney. I used to have it (read it as have it on my plate) in my office canteen in India. Usually they would serve it with pongal or a really thick dosa. The quality of food used to be so poor that I used to return my plate full most of the days. The chutney they used to make was watery and way to ‘groundnutty’ for me. I decided to come up with a recipe that would be more for me. Again I had to be quick as I was tired and wanted to get some rest. Needless to say, I relied on my microwave.
Peanuts are packed with nutrients like folate, niacin, manganese etc. They are an excellent source of protein as they are 25% protein. They are also supposed to be naturally free from trans-fat and sodium thus making them a good snack as well. I understand that peanuts were even used to fight famine due to their nutritive contents. It seems roasted peanuts have a high anti-oxidants contents – even greater than apples and carrots. Groundnuts are also called peanuts, monkey nuts (usually with the shell), earth nuts and pig nuts.
Handful of peanuts
2 inches piece ginger chopped
¼-1/2 teaspoon tamarind paste
2 tablespoons coconut powder or dessicated coconut or fresh grated coconut
2-3 dry red chillies
Salt to taste
½ teaspoon mustard seeds
1 sprig curry leaves (optional)
Microwave safe dish
If you have ready roasted peanuts, well and good but you could even roast them quickly in a microwave. Put them a microwave safe dish and cook on high for a minute. Stir them so the heat gets evenly distributed. Heat on high for another minute. Depending on the wattage of your microwave by now the skin may start to peel in the nuts. Heat for no more than a minute after you notice this. Keep aside and remember they become crisp only after they cool. Grate or chop the ginger and add the tamarind pulp and cook for a minute. Put this mixture, roasted groundnuts, dry red chillies and salt in a mixie or food processor and grind. Add required amount of water to get desired consistency and ease the grinding. In a pan or kadai heat 1 teaspoon cooking oil and after is heats add mustard seeds. Once it splutters, add washed curry leaves and serve.
Based on your preference you could even grind the curry leaves along with other ingredients. You could also use Urd dal for tempering.

1 comment:

  1. Your reason is as good as your recipe but you should have begun the recipe with a sub title, such as ' ingredients you need' or 'below comes my recipe'. It looks like it got mixed in between your story. Good recipes shouldn't get lost.
