Tips and thoughts

Thursday 16 September 2010

Masala Sprout

Masala Sprout

Soaking beans, especially mung beans to sprout it eventually seems to have become a habit for me now. The convenient thing is that it is a raw food so you do not always have to cook it. However as I somehow am not a raw food person, I try to include it in some recipes. As I had some barley dosa batter left over I thought I will make masala dosa (stuffed crepe) and use the sprout in the masala. That was quite an easy way to get a lot of vegetables in a meal. Usually my dosas are pretty thin and I put a lot of stuffing in each of them. This helps me have more vegetables inadvertently. You could eat this stuffing with chapattis or even use them in a sandwich and grill it. Here is how I made the stuffing...

1 onion, finely chopped
2 green chillies, finely chopped
1 tomato, finely chopped
1 sprig curry leaves
1 big potato, boiled and coarsely mashed
1 carrot, grated
Generous handful of sprout
1 inch piece ginger, grated
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
Chilly powder
Turmeric powder
Salt to taste
Cooking oil

Heat a teaspoon oil and add mustard seeds. Once it crackles, add turmeric powder, asafoetida, curry leaves, ginger and onion.

Fry the onions and add carrot and tomato and cook for about 3 minutes

Add the potatoes and the sprouts, mix

Add chilly powder and required salt and cook for couple of minutes.

Stuffing ready!

I put it in barley dosa and enjoyed!

To sprout mung beans, rinse beans few times in water. Soak in water overnight. Drain and keep in a warm place, away from sunlight. I usually do not tie in muslin or use any specific sprouting device, just put it in a plastic box with lid losely closed. It will usually begin to sprout in 12 hours. They keep well in the fridge, so keep them handy!


  1. variety item. will try it

  2. Thanks it's a nice version than making regular patato-tomato curry.Tried it & liked it.

  3. Hi Daisy, thanks for trying and leaving your comments. glad u liked it. Keep visiting!
