Tips and thoughts

Monday 27 December 2010

MysorePak (low effort - shortcut)


Indeed it is true that idle mind is devil’s workshop and I am proving it just now. I have been trying to keep myself engaged by being creative in the kitchen and surprisingly in some cases I have even followed some recipes almost to the letter from some website or book. I need to keep my mind constantly working to get back to normal and what better way than writing and sharing some success stories from my kitchen. Am not exactly in the frame of mind to write a lot of stories now. I must however say that writing a post and dedicating it to my dad made me feel much lighter. Here is a recipe I made as he likes it. I was told it is customary to make some sweet dish on specific days and this was my start. I was in no mood or mind to stand near the stove and stir this recipe to perfection so took the shortcut of baking it. Here is what I did...

1 cup besan (chickpea flour)
1 cup sugar
100g butter

Melt the butter and in a mixing bowl, bring the butter, sugar and besan together to make a smooth paste

Place in a greased ovenproof dish and bake in preheated oven at 160degC for about 15-20 minutes Cool for about five minutes and cut into diamonds and serve!

The measurement I have given may not be ideal for a person with sweet tooth, so you may want to add about half to one more cup of sugar. Some people like Mysorepak soft while some people prefer it a bit hard like how many wedding caterers do. If latter is your preference, bake for bit longer. It keeps well for a few days in an airtight container.

Needless to say, this post is dedicated to me father.

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