Tips and thoughts

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Baby Potato Peanut Roast

Baby Potato Peanut Roast

Baby potatoes are not just a beautiful sight but a yummy treat. When I was a kid, baby potatoes were not always available in the market. My mom was once very excited seeing them and bought it and was telling us that boiled potatoes sautéed with a special spice mixture is yummy. She was preparing it was looking so good and I was looking forward to eating it for lunch. Unfortunately by lunch time, my brother became unwell and we had to go to the hospital. We had lunch after returning from the hospital and despite sitting on the kitchen counter for a while and not being hot, it was absolutely yummy. Reason I brought that up is that everytime I see baby potatoes, it just reminds me of my first encounter with it. It is funny how our brain remember few specific things. This recipe is not how my mom used to make it, infact I just made this recipe on the fly. The final photograph was taken on a different day when I made this extra hot and that is why it looks more reddish.We all liked it and I hope you will too…

About 10-12 baby potatoes, steamed or boiled and peeled
¼ cup roasted peanuts
1 teaspoon white sesame seeds, roasted
1 teaspoon coriander powder
1 teaspoon oil
1 tablespoon soya sauce
3 dry red chillies, soaked in water for 10 minutes
Turmeric powder
Salt to taste

Grind together peanuts, coriander powder, sesame seeds, oil, soya sauce and dry red chillies adding just enough water to make a paste

Heat little oil in a skillet and add the potatoes, turmeric powder and asafoetida

Add the paste and little water and cook on low flame and add salt

Keep cooking until it comes to desired consistency (some like it roasted so it has a crisp coating and some may like it just soft)

Serve as a starter or accompaniment with rice. If you like hot, sour and sweet combination, then add some brown sugar and heat for a couple of minutes so it glazes the potatoes as well.

1 comment:

  1. Omg, potato roast looks super delicious and tempting..
