Tips and thoughts

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Sathumavu Kanji (Home made Multi grain/Cereal Porridge Mix)

Sathumavu Kanji (Home made Multi grain Porridge Mix)

I am sure I would not be the only one with memories of my mother trying to feed me homemade porridge/gruel. It was considered one of the primary source of nutrition for young kids and and a good food for adults as well. The homemade powder that my mother used to make is a multigrain one. Unlike the ready to eat breakfast cereals that we get in the market, the traditional way of consuming this would be boiling it in water or milk and adding some sugar if you like and drink. Making it at home makes it far healthier because there is very limited processing done and the best part of the goodness in these grains and ingredients are preserved. I remember that I never used to like the taste of this gruel but always knew it was super healthy. Not surprising that my wee one does not like it in the traditional form. For that reason I have found other ways to add this to his diet and you can find it in his muffins, pancakes, appams etc. I will post these recipes separately but for now, let’s get to the basic kanji powder recipe. Once you have established that your wee one is not allergic to any of the ingredients, you can start giving this porridge. I have also tried to give some information on the benefit of the ingredients.

1/4 cup Barley – is an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fibre and helps reduce cholesterol and maintain good gut

1 cup Wheat – rich in fiber, reduces insulin resistance and risk of type 2 diabetes, helps gut health and good source of carbohyrdrate

1/4 cup Sago – it is starchy and hence a quick source of energy, has cooling effect on the body and also acts as a thickening agent

3 cup Ragi – great source of calcium for good bone health, iron rich, protein rich and has cooling effect on body. Slow to digest so keeps fuller for longer

1 cup Par boiled rice – rich source of B vitamins as they are driven from the husk into the grain while par boiling, gentle to digest as the starch is ‘gelatinised’ during par boiling, has lower glycemic index keeping fuller for longer

5-6 Almonds – rich in good fat helpful to maintain healthy heart, also rich in vitamin E helpful for skin health. It gives flavour and aroma to the powder

5-6 Cardamom – detoxifying, improves blood circulation to lungs, improves digestion and enhances appetite. Its aroma makes this powder more appealing and inviting

1/4 cup Poppy seeds – anti-oxidant, B vitamin rich and also contains good fat and fibre. Adds a nutty flavour and aroma to the dish

All ingredients except sago also have several other essential minerals required for optimum health.

Roast each ingredient except cardamom. Each one has to be roasted separately as they take different times to get roasted. Cool and grind to fine powder

If you prefer it very fine, sift and use. Store this in an airtight container and it will usually last months as long as the ingredients were fresh. You will not have to keep it for long as it is so healthy that you will notice the difference before and after you start taking the porridge. Remember it is not just for the kids, it is for you as well.


  1. How to eat ( 18 months kid) again have to cook with water or directly can I feed like a ceralac mix.

  2. How to eat ( 18 months kid) again have to cook with water or directly can I feed like a ceralac mix.

  3. How to eat ( 18 months kid) again have to cook with water or directly can I feed like a ceralac mix.
