Tips and thoughts

Friday 1 June 2012

Sprouted Mung Beans and Oats Dhokla

Sprouted Mung Beans and Oats Dhokla

For a long time dhokla remained a dish that was a failure in my kitchen. I have tried a few different ways of making them without using fruit salt and using very little soda bicarbonate. However, I hit a brickwall especially with dhokla with besan as I encountered two problems. One was it had a strange smell coming through and second it discoloured and had some sort of brown colouring on it. Both were not appealing. I then took the chance with mung beans and the problems were to a milder degree. It was not until recently that I figured out what the smell was due to. Believe it or not, it was because of a branded soda bicarbonate I was using. I could not find it and had bought supermarket brand and made some cakes which had no smell other than the aroma of the ingredients. Then I found this tub of branded soda I was using and thought I will use it up but only to find that the end product had that same strange smell. So, this time my dhokla was more or less defect free and nutrition rich as I made it with sprouts. I made this for breakfast and wanted to add some carbohydrate so chose to add oats. The dhokla was very nice and it would have been even better if I had eaten with tomato chutney. Green chutney may not be ideal as there are already greens in the dhokla.

1 cup mung sprouts
2 green chillies
2 teaspoons chopped ginger
2 tablespoon coriander leaves
Handful of methi leaves
2 tablespoon yogurt
½ teaspoon soda bicarbonate
¼ cup oats
Salt to taste
½ teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon sesame seeds

Grind together sprouts, chillies, ginger, yogurt and oats together. Add salt, coriander leaves and methi to the ground mixture

Add soda bicarbonate and mix lightly and pour into a greased plate. Cover and steam for 15-20 minutes. Cool briefly and transfer to a plate

Heat little oil and add the mustard seeds and sesame seeds and wait until mustard seeds crackle. Spread this on the dhokla and cut into slices and serve with chutney. You could add some coconut and curry leaves to the tempering as well

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