Tips and thoughts

Friday 27 July 2012

Naan (no yeast, no egg, no oven)

It was my mom that had first ever told me that naan was an Indian bread and ordered it for me at a restaraunt, ofcourse years back. I remember making attempts to make naan at home in my mother’s kitchen. Usually for these unusual ventures, both me and my brother would participate and throw our ideas. We were going to allow the dough to kind of ferment by mixing it using yogurt and leaving aside for few hours. Then make thick roti and sprinkle water and make it stick to tava. Holding the tava with the handle the idea was to show the upper surface of the naan to flame. It came out well but not quite like restaurant one. In my kitchen, I tried making it with yeast and cooked it in the oven. It was ok but it came out a bit crisp on the top. I then wanted to try without yeast and this was it. Except the fact that I did not use tandoor oven, it came out very good. In some ways it was even better than restaurant because I used combination of wholewheat and refined flour. I do not think using even 50-50 each flour would not harm the naan, will still be soft. No yeast, no oven, no egg, just super good naan!

1 cup wholewheat flour
1 ½ cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 pinch soda bicarbonate
Salt to taste
1 teaspoon sugar
½ cup yogurt
½ cup milk
Cooking oil

Mix all dry ingredients together and combine with wet ingredients. Add water as needed to form a soft dough. Add some oil and knead well. Keep aside for couple of hours

Divide the dough into lemon sized balls and roll to a thick roti, elongate one side to give it the teardrop shape. If using any topping like onion seeds, sesame seeds, garlic, coriander etc., do so now.

Cook one side on a hot tava, flip the side once bubbles appear. Cook second side for about 40-50 seconds, it should start browning.

Now cook on direct flame, until it puffs up and browns


  1. looks really soft. I have never dare to add whole wheat flour to naan

  2. I do it the same way, it much easier, one could also do the same thing by upturning the taava and applying a little water to one side of the nan to make it stick to the tava, and cooking it directly on the gas stove, to give it the tandoori look and flavor. But the first method is more easy and hassle free, and the nans come out real soft. It is so good to know you, I have become your follower, for I always like good recipes where egg and butter, maida is not.

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